Wine Cellar
Corse Lawn’s Winelist is very much a work of love. Some of our favourite times have been lunches and dinners sat in the company of Bill Baker, Mark Walford, Robin and Jason Yapp, Alan Goadby and Chris Piper. Needless to say numerous wines were tasted and discussed and we unashamedly only stock wines that we like.
Thus the list is best described as long and eclectic! However, it has also been a Finalist in the AA Winelist of the Year every year since 1998. (We’ll win it some day!) It was also voted the Best Half Bottle List in 2000 and was Runner-Up in the Johansens Wine List of the Year in 2005.
There is a much abbreviated list promoted in the Bistro but this full list is always available on request.
For a copy of the Restaurant or Bistro Wine Lists please download the pdf copies below:
Restaurant Wine List September 2016
Bistro Wine List September 2016
Please Note. We are only open from Wednesdays to Sundays, we close after breakfast on Mondays until Wednesday at 10am.
Everything is made in the kitchen, from the canapes and breads to the petits fours, and we use local and sustainable produce.
We serve the same food from the same Kitchen in the Restaurant and Bistro, but there is a more informal environment in the Bistro.
Afternoon Tea
Afternoon Teas have become amazingly popular in the past 5 years or so. We serve them 5 days a week from 3pm to 4:30pm.
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